
The Mills HS Athletic Boosters (officially named Mills High School Athletic Booster Committee) is a volunteer organization dedicated to providing financial support and volunteer services to all our sports teams and student athletes here at Mills High School.  Our funding assistance helps to develop, sustain and enhance our students' overall athletic experience.

The Mills HS Athletic Boosters invites businesses and foundations to partner with us to bridge the ever widening district funding gaps to help provide critical, necessary and competitive programs, services and equipment to our athletes, our coaches and our teams.

Sponsorship Levels

There are various sponsorship levels each with its benefits such as signage, banner, and digital marquee placements, and announcements during games and events.

If you are interested to participate as a sponsor in the vibrant Mills athletic community, you can submit your contact info and payment online by using the Sponsorship Form.

If have any questions, please email sponsorship@millshsathleticboosters.org.