Roles and Responsibilities
PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings and conduct them by a formal order of business. It shall be the duty of the President to appoint chairpersons of all committees. It shall be the duty of the President to meet with the Governing Board between May and September to organize a calendar of events, activities and budget for the ensuing year.
VICE PRESIDENT shall assist the President in all duties and preside in his/her absence.
SECRETARY shall attend all meetings or the organization, keep an accurate record of minutes and attendance for all the meetings, prepare same for permanent record, and read and answer all correspondence. Each year shall keep a list of the Membership of the organization.
TREASURER shall receive all monies paid to the Boosters, keep a proper record of all receipts and expenditures and pay all bills only upon approval by the Governing Board. All checks must be signed by the Treasurer and be kept in readiness for auditing of all accounts. Treasurer shall ensure all legal documents owed to the United States Treasury and the State of California are current. The Treasurer shall prepare and submit a written report at each monthly meeting of the Governing Board. Upon request from the Board or Mills High School, the Treasurer shall submit all financial records to an Auditor of the choice of the Board of Directors.
TECHNOLOGY DIRECTOR shall oversee all technology operations in relation to the board’s established goals. Devise and establish technology policies and systems to support the implementation of the board's strategies.
COACH LIAISON shall communicate with the coaches of each sport, ensuring coaches understand the function of the Athletic Boosters organization and that the student athletes are receiving support.
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR shall work with the Athletic Director to obtain lists of student athletes along with parent and guardian contacts so that the Concession stand is appropriately staffed for designated event(s).
FOOD AND BEVERAGE/CONCESSION STAND COORDINATOR shall make decisions on what to sell at student athletic events. Shall direct volunteers on how to operate equipment. Shall ensure cash money is kept in a safe and orderly fashion and will turn over all funds to the Treasurer.
SPONSORSHIP COORDINATOR shall work with community members to seek involvement with the school sports program. Shall solicit funds to benefit the sporting events. Shall provide a report at each meeting of recent activities.